Products - Water Softeners
** Free Shipping on
most orders within Southern Ontario!
Beware of misleading
advertising! All softeners are not created equally, some sellers are claiming capacities that are not possible with the undersized tanks they are supplying. Water softener capacity is determined by grains/regeneration cycle so if you buy the undersized unit you will consume a lot more salt than a properly sized unit would consume and you will be overpaying for the small softener you are getting, not to mention it will wear out faster from all the extra cycling. A reliable way to detect an inferior unit is to check the specifications carefully to see if the manufacturer has placed a low grain/gallon limit on the unit, this would indicate that it may not perform as well as it should for the stated capacity, another way to tell is the volumetric size of the resin tank that contains the softening media . . . smaller volume tanks equate to lower capacities, if you see a large unit and a small unit seemingly having the same capacity the smaller unit is most likely overstated. |
We Accept:
Finch, Chesterville, Winchester, Elma, Marionville, Ingleside, Osnabruck Centre, Crysler, Cannamore, Morewood, Moose Creek, Warina, Avonmore, Embrun, Russell, Limoges, Navan, Sarsfield, Vars, Bearbrook, Hammond, Bourget, St Albert, Casselman, St Isidore, Maxville, Apple Hill, Monkland, Alexandria, Glen Robertson, Lancaster, Williamstown, Martintown, Green Valley, Laggan, Dunvegan, Lunenburg, Long Sault, Hallville, Glen Becker, Morrisburg, St Andrews West, Cornwall, Gloucester, Orleans, Ottawa and most of Eastern Ontario.
**Shipping fees may apply outside our service area.
Shipping fees may apply within our service area on small orders.
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